As walls and funding becomes available, the CBMP committee determines the theme and budget for a new mural.
An RFP is posted asking for submissions. Details of theme and size of wall are included in the RFP, as well as all requirements, start date and budget.
Once all the proposals are received, the committee meets to discuss and vote on the concept that best fulfills the RFP and fits the vibe of the building and adjacent buiildings. We pride ourselves in supporting North Carolina-based Artists and those submissions are weighted more favorably in the decision. The Artist with the winning concept is then asked to submit a final rendition.
We expect all muralists to have prior experience and be ready to show examples of previous Public Art works on buildings. Please be prepared to provide referrals from past projects.
The artist selection process is informal. Interested artists are asked to research the theme, and to submit a preliminary concept rendering that depicts it. The artist may submit more than one concept rendering. The renderings must contain sufficient detail to convey the artist’s concept in terms of content, style, colors, etc. Each submission should include the artist's total expected fee.
Other than for the general theme itself, the CBMP’s Board of Directors has no preconceived expectation regarding the style of the artwork. We are looking to the artist’s creativity to propose his or her own original concept that best embodies and conveys the theme described above.